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You and everyone else have been living to a large extent from the  money of my person for a very long time and for this reason my person uses all legitimate opportunities also on the Internet, which in this form and with this right would have only applied to the "true" clergy!



On September 12th, 2020 at 11:11 am Ursula Sabisch wrote: Ursula Sabisch, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck, Germany


To the

dpa. Picture-Alliance GmbH     CO /        KPS Changery Dr. S., Dr. F.

Gutleutstrasse 110                                Legal proffession Ltd.


60327 Frankfurt                                    Hamburg



Luebeck, September 12, 2020

The free English translation, Sept. 16, 2020


Copyright infringement on my personal website:

File number: YV2011905


Dear Sir or Madam of the DPA Picture-Alliance GmbH, Dear Lawyers,


You displayed my person because a photo was used on the Internet, which nevertheless was published on my page with your registration, whereby no photo montage took place and no recognizable person was published unnecessarily by my person.

What damage did you actually suffer from this publication?


The next question would be, why didn't you contact my person first to have the photo removed from the homepage?


Do you and those like you need sources of money or did you want to reprimand my person in this way?


Did you and those like you not understood the content of the letter with the associated photo on the above mentioned homepage-side  reps. or you cannot understand what it is about or who is behind this homepage or you cannot cope with it, that not only is your well-being always in the foreground, but there are also people who have been waiting long enough for real help from the rich nations?  


Or do you have understood the content and are now annoyed that the content to which the photo belonged is true and right?

My person tries mightily not to publish any personal concerns, but if it is no longer possible otherwise, then my person must also name names or use photos accordingly, also in order to be able to protect myself and others, because the whole thing, including the above Website, is not about a bagatelle, but includes every person worldwide, including people like you who also have to classify themselves correctly!    


Of course, my person does not want to trample on your or other people's work and creativity and so gladly I am about to remove the said photo from the homepage by now decorating the homepage with an even more suitable photo.


I expect from you and everyone else in your category, that in future you will first inform the user of your photos about your rights and only then initiate legal action if your rights are disregarded and I expect that every changery to first check * whether these said information of a plaintiff was fulfilled before legal steps are initiated!

My person advises you to withdraw the complaint immediately, apologize and pay the legal fees yourself, because even the most stupid one of the stupidest should now be able to clearly see that my person has completely different rights and obligations than you and your kind!

Best regards


Ursula Sabisch, Empress

HP .: Get a life also in the name of the affected children!

My person will have to publish this document so that everyone concerned can see the ins and outs!

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