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Diese und alle anderen Schreiben meiner Person sind im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes unbezahlbar. Aus diesem Grunde ist es unmöglich einen Preis für jedes einzelne Schreiben festzulegen!


This and all the other letters of my person are in the most true sense of the words unaffordable. For this reason it is impossible fixing a price for each letter!




To pack one`s bag taking an active part in travelling!
_____Den Koffer packen und aktiv werden!

Live is too short! 

                                   Das Leben ist zu kurz!

Particularly the medium Film has decisively formed and has shaped our culture, while the passive life of the spectators has cost basically everybody a lot of lifetimes, which one could better have been of use.

An active life has another quality however this must not be better or one gets  more satisfactory in our time, because round us already an artificial ado of the interpersonal relations has spread.

Now the medium Film has received at the end of time a high significance and entertainment value, however, also in this branch there are „black sheep“,  who are not to become  prosecuted, nevertheless, retrospectively, because every individual without exception should have  got the chance for the settlement of ones “life account processing” on time!

However it must be paid attention mutually to the fact that the open debts are also paid, which continuously accumulate.


Nobody is the other person a judge, if abysses open  by medium film, because a clear balance- account will follow for every person, whether here on earth or somewhere else, this nobody can prevent!  

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